The Durham Fair is an annual event in Durham, CT that began in 1916. It attracts fair goers, exhibitors, vendors, musicians and much more! This annual fall tradition is held this year on September 22 -25, for a weekend of excitement. We have a variety of food, live entertainment, games, rides, crafts and so much more! This year our special guest is the band Foreigner, which will guarantee a night of fantastic music. Other entertainment featured from our novelty events includes: marvelous mutts, redneck arena, animal pulls, motorized events and a wine festival. We have fall activities for kids like the annual corn stalk stage, and an area for petting animals. With free parking and shuttle services, it’s a fun event the whole family can enjoy – at a fair price!
During the fall, it is often a concern to weakened trees losing leaves and trees limbs. While fairs are fun, we want to ensure the safety of all of the fair goers. Analyzing weak or dead trees is the top way to ensure safety and prevent damage to the fairgrounds. Hiring a tree removal service, such as Durham Tree Removal – will provide the safety while the fair provides the family fun!