Hydrating Your Trees – Making sure that your trees have enough water to endure the cold Fall months in Seymour is important. A good way to get water directly to the roots is to use subsurface watering which uses an injection probe to deliver water 12 inches into the soil. This is a new way to give trees a relief from drought weather for the perfect commercial landscaping.
Fertilization – Properly fertilizing your trees will help them get through the fall and winter months. This will help replace the nutrients that your tree needs in order to prevent damage, insect infestation and disease.
Knowing When to Plant – The best time to plant new trees is in the Fall. New trees will have a better chance of surviving the colder months than summer months with excessive heat and drought. In the Fall, trees can spread their roots and have a much better chance surviving the weather.
Preparing for the Cold – Since snow and cold temperatures can also damage trees aside from the hot summers, be sure to protect your trees from extreme weather conditions. It is important before the winter to cable, brace and prune your trees. You can do the pruning before Winter starts, since pruning in the Fall will be easier with trees having no leaves.
So if you are looking to take care of your trees before the extreme cold weather hits, you should apply these tips to all of your trees in both Seymour and Monroe. Extra care goes a long way, and you trees will be healthier than ever by the Spring. However, if your trees for some reason do not last through the Fall or Winter months, contact Precision Cutting Services today for tree removal.